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In January we presented our 1st online training, looking at API Design and use of Apiary and Swagger. Things went well until near the end where for some reason voice and video dropped for no apparent reason. Our coordinator Lindsay kept the recording going and soon as we reconnected I continued the session and went through the Q&A.

So if you missed the end of the training, please do check back with the recording.

If you missed the training – we’ll be rerunning in March – go here.

For those on the training will have seen at the start of the training links to my social media profile, so happy to try to respond to any further questions.

We are also scheduled to run the session again in a month or so.

One of the questions received during the session I thought worth mentioning was when would Apiary support Open API 3.0. Well according to their blog very soon, looking forward to it as the OAS 3 does look a little cleaner.