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One aspect of logging I didn’t directly address with my Fluentd book was consuming multiline logs, such as those you’ll often see when a stack trace is included in the log output. Implementing the feature with Fluentd isn’t hugely complex as it leverages the use of regular expressions (addressed in the book in more depth) to recognize the 1st line in a multiline log entry and for subsequent lines.

I didn’t address it for a couple of reasons:

  • Using parsers is fairly inefficient, particularly when you’re using a parser to just decide how to then transform a line (this is why I’m not a huge fan of some of the 12 Factor App‘s recommendations when it comes to logging).
  • Incorporating into your Fluentd parser configurations for specific app log setups is arguably increasing the level of coupling.
  • Many logging frameworks can talk directly to Fluentd as we saw in the book. This is can be more efficient, which means that the log event is more likely to be passed over in a structured format (therefore less work to do).
  • Alternatively, frameworks like Log4J2 have the means to strip line feeds, etc at source – https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/layouts.html (see replace)

But let’s also be realistic, many applications will be configured to simply log to a file and aren’t likely to be changed. At which point we do need to process such situations, so is it done? The process remains largely the same as the tail plugin we illustrated. Except we introduce a different parser called multiline. The documentation provided by Fluentd includes several examples of multiline configurations that will work for default log formats (such as Log4J and Rails). If we took our most basic source setup:

  @type tail
  path ./Chapter3/basic-file.*
  read_lines_limit 5
  tag simpleFile
    @type none

Then assuming our log Simulator played back multiline logs (the provided configuration doesn’t do that) extended to consume standard Log4J2 logs we would have a configuration as follows:

  @type tail
  path ./Chapter3/basic-file.*
  read_lines_limit 5
  tag simpleFile
     @type multiline
     format_firstline /\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/
     format1 /^(?<time>\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}) \[(?<thread>.*)\] (?<level>[^\s]+)(?<message>.*)/

As you can see we’ve set the parser type to multiline. Then there are two regular expressions, format_firstline is used to help recognize the start of a log event. Every line of the log is tested with this expression as we now assume unless this produces a valid result that the line will be part of a multiline event. If you look at the expression you’ll realize it is looking for a DateTime stamp in the form YYYY-MM-DD. This does mean if you generate a log that starts with the date even if it is part of a multiline output then you’ll trip up the parser. You could extend the expression – but the longer it is the slower the processing.

Following format_firstline we have in our example format1 which describes how to process the first line. This can be extended to define how to handle subsequent lines but this could be multiple format definitions. They do need to be presented in numerical order eg. format1, format2, format, and so on.

LogSimulator – Playing back multi-line logs

The Log simulator uses a very similar mechanism to Fluentd to understand how to playback multiple line logs. When it is reading the log lines in for replay it uses a regular expression to recognize the start of a new log entry (FIRSTOFMULTILINEREGEX) defined in the properties file. The simulator will concatenate lines together until it either hits the end of the file or has a new line that complies with the REGEX. It stores the line with an encoded /n (newline character). It will then print the log using the format specified and will allow the /n to create a newline (or not) based on another config parameter (ALLOWNL).